Removing the religious superior stante munere: causes and procedure


  • Przemysław Michowicz OFMConv Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne oo. Franciszkanów pw. św. Bonawentury w Krakowie



removal, ecclesiastic office, religious superior, administrative procedure, removal of pastor


The paper examines the hypothesis of removal from the office of Superior during his proper function, which is established in the can. 624, §3 CIC 1983. Given the lack of regulation in the proper law in the majority of the religious institutes, the main goal was to propose the correct reasons and the accurate procedure so as to remove those superiors who remain too long in offices of governance without interruption. In order to suggest those elements, author used the analogy in reference to the others legal institutes: the dismissal from a religious institute (possible reasons as said in the can. 696, §1) and the removal of pastors (possible procedure as regulated in the cann. 1740–1752).


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