Personal data as a key interest of cybercriminals


  • Jakub Kwaśnik Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego



personal data protection, cybercrime, data protection officer, Internet, social engineering


The development of new technologies has caused the situation that the significant part of the daily operation of an individual has moved to cyberspace. The Internet with its easy and common access has become an effective tool both at work and education process for the whole society. What is more people use the Internet to pursue a hobby and for their social life. Unfortunately, the society still has low awareness of the online threats and there can be observed a lack of proper caution, which is efficiently exploited by cybercriminals. Basing on social engineering and the tendency of users to place a lot of information about themselves on the web, the cybercriminals are able to easily break a simple security and gain access to the information they are interested in. Therefore cybercriminals activity is one of the biggest challenges for data protection officers. The article aims to describe cyber criminal mechanisms and methods of their operation and at the same time trying to answer the question how to successfully fight this phenomenon.


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