Happiness of the society of the New Capitalism weighed up by Richard Sennett
a new capitalist society, egoism, materialism, consumerismAbstract
Modern society, not only in the global dimensions but also in the societies of highly developed countries, has been set as the society of the New Capitalism. It is characteristic that human is regarded as a consumer who can be sold everything to: not only material goods but also people, ideas and values. Modern society of highly industrialized countries perceives happiness through the material possessions, and the means to reach it is money. There is rather an imperceptible crisis of intangible assets such as family, empathy and lasting relationships based on tolerance and respect. Without them, human happiness is not possible.These social issues, moved by Richard Sennett, are also present in Polish society. He considers as necessary to take wide‑ranging and persistent educational activities, especially among the younger generation. If they were properly prepared, they will not give in to the modern model of happiness. Furthermore, they will introduce the necessary amendments to it so as to correspond to real human desires.
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