“The Only Pity is that his „Philosophical Letters” are Addressed to the Lady”… Letters to a Lady as a Philosophical Genre
Peter Chaadaev, dialogue, philosophical letters, Russian philosophyAbstract
When Chaadaev refers to “Madam” in the Philosophical Letters, he follows the tradition established already. In the history of Russian thought, we can recall the philosophical letters of Dmitry Venevitinov to “Countess NN” (in fact, Princess Troubetzkaya) or Catherine the Great’s correspondence with Voltaire and Diderot. The Lady as the destination, or, on the contrary, as the sender of philosophical messages puts participants of the dialogue in a situation where the debate is not expected, priori. Indeed, in a public debate with Chaadaev, not Mrs. Panova, but Pushkin and Khomyakov entered. But the tradition of dialogue between the Philosopher and the Lady is much older. And if the Madam translates wisdom, that Philosopher hears already, like Socrates listened for Diotima respectfully… The article examines the specificity, meaning and significance of this dialogical situation.References
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