The Phenomenon of Rupture
rupture, person, truth, value, solidarization, Absolute, drama, St. Augustine, J. Tischner, J.-L. MarionAbstract
This paper attempts to study and to describe the particular situation, when somebody for the sake of beliefs, opinions and ideas decides to finish the relation with the other. Such a situation we call the phenomenon of rupture. The ruptures may be different: the boyfriend is breaking up with his girlfriend, spouses are deciding on the divorce, somebody is breaking the agreement or the friendship. From all these type of the situation we are only interested in rupture because of the difference in holding the truth. The phenomenon of rupture in such a situation is getting the shape of the dispute what is more important – the truth or the person. How is it happening, that for the sake of the truth I am rejecting the person? Whether for the sake of the relation with the other can I put the truth away? What is more important value: the truth or You? Or maybe the rupture is a symptom of the unresolved attitude to the Absolute? We are trying to find answers to these questions referring to the thoughts of J. Tischner and the other contemporary philosophers. In the text two positions and two types of the thinking are discussed: monological thinking, in which the truth is more important than the person, and dialogical one, where the relation with the person is a condition of finding the truth. At the end of the text a one-sidedness of both attitudes is indicated as well as the possibility of solution the rupture by love.References
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