Beauty as “the Unknowable” in Semen Frank’s Philosophy
Semen Frank, beauty, the theology of beauty, the unknowable, Divinity, aesthetic experienceAbstract
One of the most intimate feelings caused by the meeting with Divinity encompassesthe phenomenon of Beauty. In the Chapter 8th Holiness of his book entitled The Unknowable
as well as in other works, Frank hasn’t just developed another aesthetic theory, he’s figured
out the quintessence of the theology of beauty consisting of the speculations on its
absolute value, essential inconceivability, reconcilable harmony of the universe, spiritual
enlightenment and salvation. Frank states the idea of potential harmony of existence expressed
through beauty that coexists with current “worldly” discord. Aesthetic reality is
unable to grasp the depth of existence, but it reminds us of “primary unity.”
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