Between drama and dialogue
drama, dialogue, tension, encounter, game, salvation, damnationAbstract
Józef Tischner’s philosophy of drama belongs to the tradition of philosophy of dialogue. However a “drama” (the keyword of that philosophy) origins in a different approach to philosophy of man. Whereas the dialogue is an encounter, a love, a responsibility for the Other, a lack of distance – the drama is a fight, tension, sometimes even a mortal combat. Dialogue is an opening for the Other while drama is a game between salvation and damnation. Tischner does explain fundamental human experience and human relations by this term in the same time. The tension between these two concepts is presented and considered in the paper. An analysis of contexts, where these terms appear, helps to see mutual influences and how they modify one another their meaning. The sense of dialogue changes in philosophy of drama, the drama acquires a new meaning. A term tension becomes crucial for this relation.
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