Fragile Subjectivity: About a Controversy on the Ground of Lévinas’ and Ricœur’s Philosophical Anthropology and Some of its Implications for the Understanding of Mental Health
fragile subjectivity, Lévinas, Ricœur, mental health, schizophreniaAbstract
The study aims to confront two concepts of fragile subjectivity: one by Emmanuel Lévinas and the other by Paul Ricœur. However, this is not the purpose in itself. Actually, the first step consists on the pointing out the similarities and divergences that exist between both approaches in dealing with the open and labile trait of human identity. This step further serves to highlight the discussion points which, due to the tension generated by the underlined incompatibilities, stimulate thinking and the search for mediation. To illustrate the fertility of this controversy, it is transferred to the area of philosophy of psychiatry, where an attempt is made to apply both anthropological positions to a philosophical interpretation of the essence of the phenomenon of schizophrenia. This interpretation of the pathogenesis of the chosen phenomenon allows, in turn, for a cautious conclusion to be drawn as to the described controversy between Lévinas and Ricœur.
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