Traces of Husserl’s phenomenology in the work of Simone Weil


  • Karolina Fiutak axiology, consistent Thomism, Gogacz Mieczysław, love, value



Simone Weil, Edmund Husserl, philosophical method, phenomenology, epoché


The aim of the article is to show and analyze a fairly distinct convergence that occurs between the philosophical thought of Simone Weil and the phenomenological method of Edmund Husserl. Weil, inspired by the phenomenological thought, wrote several important texts. The article is to bring closer their content and indicate the originality of the interpretation of the phenomenological thought contained therein.
Weil believes that the correct attitude of the cognizing subject consists of three elements: waiting, desire and attention.This attitude is very similar to that which we find in Husserl’s process of phenomenological reduction, the so-called epoché. Weil in her philosophy also uses the phrase la pensée détachée [detached thinking]. This phrase means a thought detached from reality. The form he should take in order to reach the essence of things. According to Weil, we meet with an almost identical attitude in phenomenology, where the subject suspends his judgment about reality, to “watch,” “hear” the essence of a given phenomenon.

Author Biography

  • Karolina Fiutak, axiology, consistent Thomism, Gogacz Mieczysław, love, value
    Karolina Fiutak – ukończyła filozofię i projektowanie mody. Od 2018 roku doktorantka na Wydziale Filozoficznym UPJPII w Krakowie, obecnie przygotowuje pracę doktorską poświęconą twórczości niemieckiej filozof Hanny-Barbary Gerl-Falkovitz, na seminarium u s. prof. dr hab. Teresy Obolevitch.


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