In search of axiological basis for the ethics of biotechnology
biotechnology, science, ethics, axiology, moral values, personalism, person, dignityAbstract
Biotechnology is one of the most rapidly progressing field of modern science. In contemporary bioethical debate one can frequently find views, stating that biotechnology as a field of science is ethically neutral and only its applications should be evaluated ethically. Based on the description of biotechnology presented herein, the author of the article supports the opposite thesis. In scientific work biotechnologist frequently meets issues that require moral decisions to be made. Therefore, the article presents the view, that scientific practice in the field of biotechnology is filled with moral values (value-ladenness of science). Accepting axiological and ethical context of modern biotechnology leads us to the conclusion that in daily scientific practice scientists should consciously take into account moral aspects of their activity and also attract their attention to protect the good of human person. In addition, the article presents the basic model of biotechnologist’s ethos based on Thomistic Personalism.
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