The problem of ideals in the works and life of Fyodor Dostoyevsky Polemic with Lev Shestov‘s remarks
Lev Shestov, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, ideals, rationalism, existenceAbstract
In Shestov’s study of the work and life of Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Shestov presents the writer as a thinker who, together with his life experience, disposes of naive reference to ideals and gradually discovers the essence of the drama of human existence. Shestov, a critic of idealism and reason-based tradition, shows Dostoyevsky’s process of abandoning ideals as an act of philosophical courage and a way out of the limitations of rational discourse. At the same time, Shestov ignores the positive and cognitive function of reference to ideals, whereas Dostoyevsky distinguishes it despite the views attributed to him by Shestov, as the author observes.
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