Place or Places? Some Thoughts on Roman Ingarden’s Proposals for Linking Intentional and Actual Places in a Literary Work
Roman Ingarden, philosophy of literature, place, literary work, Hilary Putnam, Józef Bańka, twin earth, recentivismAbstract
The following paper presents a proposal to complement Roman Ingarden’s philosophy of literature. Ingarden assumed that there is some identity or some connection between the place where the action takes place in a literary work and the real place, if such a place is indicated by a literary work (e.g. Grodzka Street in Krakow). Based on the arguments of Hilary Putnam, extended for the purposes of the topic, and metaphysical aspects of recentivism by Józef Bańka, arguments are presented to show that it is not possible to maintain a claim of connectivity between intentional places in a literary work and actual places. The consequences of such an addition to the indicated point of Ingarden’s philosophy of literature are also pointed out.
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