A Kingdom of (Un)used Opportunities. A Few Thoughts on Roman Ingarden’s Literary Work Theory in Practice
Roman Witold Ingarden, phenomenological rite, interpretation, literary work theory, Cyprian Kamil NorwidAbstract
Roman Ingarden’s literary art work theory did not manage to gain wide popularity in research practice, which has been influenced by its supposedly hermetic and anachronistic nature. The article refers to the three phases of its reception, noting that in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, Ingarden’s phenomenological view of literature was a touchstone of just a few, but practical investigations, devoted, for example, to Norwid. Is it because of the fact that the poet’s language exhibits properties that can be easily analysed on the basis of Ingarden’s theory? And if so, isn’t Ingarden’s theory reserved for a specific kind of creativity, an artistic language with a clear phenomenological rite? How should this phenomenological rite be understood? The second issue would be the question of the interpretation of a literary work and the possibilities opened up in this respect by Ingarden’s literary work theory. Are they modest and limit the researcher of literature, or do they activate such a mechanism of looking at literature that produces the most significant results? This part of considerations was supplemented with conclusions from the phenomenological interpretation of Shakespeare’s comedy The Taming of the Shrew.
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