Law and ethics: the factors shaping the liberty of a person
ethics, law, liberty, object of activity, human beingAbstract
Liberty means the undetermined activity of a person, independence of external factors, restraint, or physical, mental, moral or legal duress, etc. Quite often a person claims credit for a total freedom that would be absolute, unconditional, or without any restraints. Undoubtedly freedom belongs to the constitutive elements of every person, it is his indispensible property. As a result of acts of choice, he shapes his unique personality. Liberty is at the same time the right and the duty to make choices, which implies liability for the undertaken activities and their effects, for the agent of the activity himself as well as for his entourage. Therefore while shaping and using liberty, certain criteria and determinants seem to be necessary. Liberty and what follows the object of liberty are subject to incessant development, thus they need proper care and concern. Amongst numerous factors, shaping the liberty of a human being, law and ethics were selected.References
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