The Concise History of the Theological Journal “Polonia Sacra”: A Hundred Jubilee


  • Henryk Sławiński Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow

Słowa kluczowe:

Polonia Sacra, theological journal


The paper deals with the history of the theological journal of Theological Faculty in Krakow. It was initiated just before the end of the First World War, in 1918, and published not without difficulties. There were only three issues printed till the Second World War. After it the publication of “Polonia Sacra” was reinitiated in Krakow. However, because the communist government in Poland expelled the Theological Faculty from Jagiellonian University in Krakow, and allowed only that the theology might be taught at the Academy of Catholic Theology in Warsaw, the journal “Polonia Sacra” was published for a very short time in Warsaw. The renewal of the journal “Polonia Sacra” as the official publication of the Faculty of Theology in Krakow was restarted again in 1997 and has been continued till now. The Internet era became a challenge for the journal, which gained the national recognition, and has the aspiration to be an international forum for the academic exchange of theological research.

Biogram autora

  • Henryk Sławiński - Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow
    Dr. Habil. Henryk Slawinski, prof. UPJPII, is a Roman-Catholic Priest ordained in 1989. He has earned Master’s Degree in Pedagogy and his PhD. in Pastoral Theology and Habilitation in Homiletics. He has taught Liturgy, Homiletics, as well as Pedagogy in several priests’ seminaries and the Pontifical Theological Faculty in Poland. At present, he is a professor at the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, and gives lectures in the priest seminary of the Missionaries of the Holy Family. He has authored ten books and numerous published articles in Polish, German, English, and Italian. He published Polish translations of two documents of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops: Fulfilled in Your Hearing (Washington, D.C. 1982) and Preaching the Mystery of Faith (Washington, D.C. 2013). He is the Editor in Chief of “Polonia Sacra”; the President of Society for Polish Teachers of Homiletics, a member of Polish Theological Society, and a member of The Council for the Religious Language at The Council for the Polish Language at the Presidium of the Polish Academy of Sciences.


[Glemma T.], Od redakcji, „Polonia Sacra” 1 (1948), s. 1–5.

Janiak M., Polonia Sacra – przeszłość i treść czasopisma, „Polonia Sacra” I (XIX) nr 1/45 (1997), s. 61–78.

Kubiś A., Słowo wstępne, „Polonia Sacra” I (XIX) nr 1/45 (1997), s. 3–4.

Nasz program, „Polonia Sacra” nr 1 (1918), s. [V]–VII.

Piech S., Jan Nepomucen Fijałek (1864–1936), w: Złota Księga Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej, red. S. Piech, Kraków 2000, s. 381.

Sławiński H., Wychowanie prorodzinne. Według pedagogów katolickich Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej, Warszawa 2000.

Statut Towarzystwa imienia Jego Świątobliwości Papieża Benedykta XV, Kraków 1917.





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