Zagadnienie nawrócenia i pokuty w dziełach Sulpicjusza Sewera
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
nawrócenie, przebaczenie, pokuta, grzech, pokora, sumienie, łaska Chrystusa, mnichAbstrakt
In his writings, Sulpicius Severus (360–420) urged his readers to repentance, so they would not expose themselves to eternal damnation, and therefore not remain in a state of slavery in this life. When a lawyer from Bordeaux encourages penance, He pays special attention to the fact that sin calls for the right punishment. Despite this, Sulpicius is a man full of Christian optimism and he emphasizes mercy that God only offers to those people who admit their sins and undertake an appropriate penance.
A striking feature of the Sulpicius message on conversion and penance is that a monk of Aquitaine continually shows the figure of St. Martin. Although he writes that the miracles of driving out demons are performed by the power of the cross of Christ, and that repentance is the work of Jesus’ grace and steadfast faith and trust in God’s help, it seems that for him the person of St. Martin is in the first place, not the Son of God Jesus Christ.
Prawa autorskie (c) 2013 Józef Pochwat

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