Mozarabs and Iberian experience of boundary


  • Piotr Roszak Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu



mozarabs, hispanic liturgy, eucology, multiculturalism


Mozarabs who defended their Christian identity in exceptional circumstances, historical and cultural after 711 (the year of Arab invasion to the Iberian Peninsula) may become an interesting contribution to the contemporary debate on multiculturalism and its weaknesses. In many of the euchological texts the Spanish liturgy an excellent picture of the struggle for identity. The author of the article analyzed one of the Hispanic mass called Pro tribulatis emphasizes the need to care for own consciousness. Intersubjectivity making by the liturgy understood as an exchange, commercium, and reliance on tradition understood as a creative continuation, transfer, became the foundation of attitudes of mozarabic Christians. Based on the background of historical reflection, the article intend to rethink the difficulties observed in contemporary Spain, influenced by the “new secularism”. Model of multiculturalism, is for many thinkers no longer sufficient and requires a strong correction.

Author Biography

  • Piotr Roszak, Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu

    Piotr Roszak – doktor hab. teologii; adiunkt w Zakładzie Teologii Fundamentalnej i Religiologii Wydziału Teologicznego UMK w Toruniu; profesor stowarzyszony teologii dogmatycznej Uniwersytetu Nawarry w Pampelunie (Hiszpania); red. naczelny czasopisma „Scientia et Fides” oraz redaktor serii wydawniczej „Scholastica Thoruniensia”, w której zamieszczane są tłumaczenia komentarzy biblijnych średniowiecznych autorów.


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