Theology Of Holy Places – Biblical and Pastoral Aspects


  • Maciej Ostrowski Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie



shrine, pilgrimage, theology, Bible, pilgrimage ministry


The article focuses on aspects of theology of shrines, which are destinations of Christian pilgrimages. The author bases on biblical texts, particularly on these concerning the Promised Land and the Holy City of Jerusalem with its temple, further on documents of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerants. Each earthly shrine is an expression of God’s love for a human. On the one hand, God's initiative is to create a convenient place for His encounter with a man, on the other hand, a human himself searches for such a place. A shrine is a venue, where a man “has rest in God”, enters into a community with Him. Simultaneously, it anticipates future communion with God in the eternity – “eternal rest in God” after efforts of the earthly pilgrimage. It is there, where a human being will achieve complete happiness and joy. Like in the past, the Promised Land and the temple in Jerusalem were places for creating unity and identity for Israelites, nowadays shrines are means of creating and enhancing Church community, which embraces comers from all over the world. The article emphasis the fact that present shrines are not only places of intensive prayers, great liturgical celebrations, but also centres where people offer their spiritual sacrifices, do penance, further where sinners convert to God and each pilgrim renews spiritually.

Author Biography

  • Maciej Ostrowski, Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie

    Maciej Ostrowski, Professor an der Päpstlichen Universität Johannes Paul II in Krakau, Polen, Leiter des Lehrstuhls für Pastoraltheologie in der Theologischen Fakultät; spezialisiert sich in Wallfahrts-, Tourismus- und Freizeitseelsorge, der Sekretär in dem Rat des Episkopats für Migranten, Touristen und Pilgern Seelsorge.


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