Council of Constance towards John Hus and Jerome of Prague


  • Wojciech Medwid Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie



John Hus, Jerome of Prague, John Wycliffe, Council of Constance, excommunication, predestination


The purpose of this article is to present the solution to the problem of Jan Hus and Jerome of Prague by the Council of Constance. The issues of both Czech theologians appear three times in the conciliar documents. Jan Hus bother leaving much to be desired lifestyle of the clergy, and at the same time their lust and greed. He spoke about the corruption of manners. In particular, he was critical of the papacy and denounced the trade in indulgences. The church was perceived him as a mystical body whose head is Jesus, the faithful and represent chosen by God righteous. It is not acceptable for him was the punishment of excommunication. He was accused of preaching of the many errors and heresies, and his erroneous thesis raised the questions of predestination, the ministry of the Pope, excommunication and the deeds of men. The Council judged him and found as a heretic. In turn, Jerome of Prague was involved in the emerging national movement in the Czech Republic and proclaimed publicly the views of J. Wycliffe, and he was an outspoken supporter of Hus. Council accused him of the crime of error and heresy regarding the Christian religion. First, he made a real explanation of recognizing the Catholic Church, but later he changed his mind and recanted his confession, consent and statement. Fathers of Constance declared him a heretic and excommunicated him.


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