The Ritual Character of the Brand: the Challenge of the New Spaces between Consumerism and Religion


  • Bernard Sawicki Pontifical Athenaeum Sant’ Anselmo in Rome



brand, rite, religion, relationships, community


In a world where everything is connected even realms which seem remote can be close. The ways of commerce and religion have always crossed, but recently one can speak, at least, about mutual inspiration. To deal with this complex, but fascinating and highly relevant phenomenon it is good to find some categories which make a comparison possible. One of them is rite, whose importance in modern branding is growing. The fact that a sense of community and relations construct both good brands and profound religious experience seems to open up new horizons in a dialogue between economics and religion.

Author Biography

  • Bernard Sawicki, Pontifical Athenaeum Sant’ Anselmo in Rome
    Bernard Sawicki OSB – monk of Tyniec Abbey (Cracow, Poland), musician and theo­logian, presently coordinator of and lecturer at the Monastic Institute at the Faculty of Theology at the Pontifical Athenaeum Sant’Anselmo in Rome.


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