Pilgrimage as an Extracurricular Form of Catechesis





pilgrimage, sanctuary, student, school catechesis, catechist, word of God, Church, community


This article presents the pilgrimage as an extracurricular form of catechesis and the associated growth of students to holiness. The pilgrimage movement consists of three basic elements: man, space and the sacred. The conditions for sanctification are created by the pilgrimage space, but the most important is the man who undertakes the effort of the journey. First of all it depends on him and as to whether he opens himself to holiness or surrenders to the action of God. The sanctuary, which is the destination of the pilgrim's toil, expresses God's special presence and the mystery of His action in time, hidden under various signs of history. Seeing and recognizing these truths naturally triggers in the pilgrim's soul wonder and adoration.


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