The Liturgical Year in the Teaching of Pope Pius XII: The 75th Anniversary of the Publication of the Encyclical on the Sacred Liturgy „Mediator Dei”




encyclical Mediator Dei, liturgical year, theology of the liturgical year, Pius XII


November 20, 2022 was the seventy-fifth anniversary of the publication of the Encyclical on the Sacred Liturgy Mediator Dei written by Pope Pius XII (†1958). The encyclical was the first document of the Church at this level devoted in its entirety to matters of the sacred liturgy and the liturgical movement. In fact, in recognition of its significance, it has often been referred to as the “Magna Charta liturgistorum”: the “Great Charter of liturgists.” On account of this anniversary, the article revisits the teaching contained in the document and underlines the continued relevance of the theology of the liturgical year. Charting the course of the modern-day liturgical renewal, Pius XII used his authority to pave the way for the sacramental vision of the year of salvation—renewed after many centuries—upon which the early Church had built its annual cycle of liturgical celebrations. Undoubtedly, today’s heortology is a continuation and a theological development and refinement of the concept of the church year presented in the Encyclical on the Sacred Liturgy Mediator Dei. This view is supported by official documents of the Magisterium of the Church as well as by major publications on the theology of the liturgical year published in Europe, across the world and in Poland.


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