The Ulma Family — witnesses of the civilization of life




civilization of life, the Ulma family, “Wici”


The beatification of Józef and Wiktoria Ulma along with their seven martyred children was met with approval and joy in Poland, although some reacted negatively. In some cases this act was seen as an attempt to glorify (“beatify”) the Polish nation or to purify it (“catharsis”) of guilt from the past; some explained that the Ulmas were in conflict with the traditionalist Church, and that their inspiration to give shelter to Jews came rather from the radical movement of rural youth known as “Wici” of which they were members. This article puts forward the thesis that the martyrs of Markowa were, above all, ambassadors for the civilization of life, which refers to having respect for the sanctity of life, making our existence more human and subordinating it to the evangelical primacy of love. The author, describing the most important dimensions of the life of the Ulma family, confirms that Blessed Wiktoria and Józef indeed belonged to the “Wici” and participated in its meetings with Józef playing a significant role in the group as well as Wiktoria and Józef belonging to the amateur “Wicis” theatre. However the source of their “Samaritan nature” should be sought in the Gospel. The author concludes with a reflection on another, perhaps often forgotten, aspect of the civilization of life: the promotion of hope for the Last Judgment.


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