Organs in Stamps of Vatican Post
Organ, Luca Biagi, the two values philatelic, The Philatelic Office, Benedict XVI, Basilica of St. John Lateran, St. Peter’s BasilicaAbstract
The Vatican Post Office issued in 2014 two stamps in the series named “Europe” dedicated to the organs, the most common musical instrument in the Catholic Church. The instrument enhances the grandeur Church rites and ceremonies. The Philatelic Office will dedicate its postage stamp issue to this beautiful musical instrument. In particular, one of the two valuse will feature the Luca Biagi (1548-1608) organ in the Basilica of St. John Lateran and the other the organ in use in St. Peter’s Basilica – it was built by the Tamburini Company in 1974. The author comments on the role and importance of the authorities the words of Pope Benedict XVI, who spoke sacrificing the instrument (named after him) in the Old Chapel in Regensburg on 13 September 2006. Pope said organs have always and rightly been called „the king" of all the instruments, in accordance with its purpose to serve praising God and strengthening faith.
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