Interpretation of dynamics in Max Reger organ works in context of german late-romantic pipe organs and modern instruments
Max Reger, pipe organ, registration, late romantic, german style, organbuilding, pneumatic actionAbstract
In 2016 in celebration of Max Reger’s death anniversary, in entire Europe were organised many concerts and sympsiums. Their purpose was bringing closer the phenomenon of Max Reger’s music. Nowadays his organ music is still detached from the context of the original instruments which were in use in the period of late romantic. This article introduces the profil of Max Reger`s organ works, specially focusing on their`s musical language. It discuss also specific notation style with important aspect of complex dynamics gradation system. Reger’s instructions are related to the sound of late romantic german pipe-organs and their`s voicing characteristic. In the last part of the article, possible performance problems on contemporary instruments are discussed.References
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