„Visitatio Sepulchri” w XV-wiecznej katedrze wawelskiej na podstawie AKKK 47
Cathedral of Wawel, Holy Week, Lamentatione Iheremiae Prophete, liturgy, manuscript, Middle Ages, notation, tenebrae, the drama of the medieval Church, transcription, Visitatio SepulcriAbstract
“Music in the Cathedral of Wawel in the Middle Ages” is a series of publications showing a rich heritage of music and liturgy stored in the Wawel archive. Transcriptions of old melodies, often written down in letters and notations difficult to decipher, are about re-writhing those melodies into square notation (so called Vatican Notation) and by doing so, to encourage a wider group of performers to base on it.We give you transcriptions of Lamentatione Iheremiae Prophete, being part of Matutinum tenebrarum and a liturgical drama Visitaio sepulcri, playing out on a Easter morning at the empty grave. Each of the presented transcriptions has been preceded with a description of the manuscript and notations used in it, presentation of the problems occurred during transcription, pointing out the liturgical provenance (specific service of the Holy Week) and Polish translations of the texts.
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http://www.literature.at/viewer.alo?objid=1138&page=727&viewmode=overview (23.03.2016).
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