A monastery for music, or music for a monastery? Reflection on liturgical music
liturgical music, Church music, II Council of Nicea, Sacrosanctum Concilium, Vatican II, monastery, priory, convent, prayer, contemplationAbstract
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the most essential characteristics of sacred music, especially from an historical perspective. By using different textual witnesses from the biblical, patristic, medieval, modern, and contemporary periods, the function of sacred music in the prayer of the Church will emerge, as will some of the causes for unnecessary misunderstanding and over‑interpretation in our own time of changing paradigms. In short the goal of this investigation will be to provide insight into the nature of sacred music and its function in the liturgy and life of the Church.
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Ratzinger J., Teologia della liturgia. La fondazione sacramentale dell’esistenza cristiana, Città del Vaticano 2010.
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