Inspiration of early morning advent mass song Rorate caeli desuper in the Concerto for viola and string orchestra


  • Ewa Fabiańska-Jelińska Akademia Muzyczna im. I. J. Paderewskiego w Poznaniu



composer, inspiration, rorate song, luminosity, darkness, Advent, viola, concerto, string orchestra, initial motif


The author describes the inspiration for and background to the creation of the Concerto for viola and string orchestra. It elaborates the sphere of the composer’s inspiration: the religious period of Advent (rorate mass and its song Rorate caeli desuper) with the accompanying reflection on the symbolism of luminosity and darkness. The basic idea of sound in the concerto for viola and string orchestra was inspired by a musical quotation from the initial motif of the rorate song Rorate caeli desuper. The opening tunes of the song became the foundation for the development and shaping of the sound material in the subsequent movements of the viola concerto. The musical architecture and dramatic content of the entire piece rests on the aforementioned quote, which integrates the particular movements in accordance with the concept of unity in diversity understood as coherent input sound material whose narration is enriched by being presented in various sound contexts.



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