Oto są baranki młode – an extraordinary paschal journey
Apocalypse, Baptism, Easter, Eucharist, Hymn, Neophytes, Dominican, Responsory, Tyniec, KrakówAbstract
Oto są baranki młode is a popular religious song born in the renewed liturgical and pastoral activity of Dominican friars in Kraków in the early 1990s. The sources of the music and text are explored here, beginning with a long responsory at the end of the first millennium, through new text and music in France about 1900, to another textual variant at Tyniec in 1960 and finally new music at Kraków. Text and Dominican music combine to build a religious song with intense paschal overtones celebrating the reception of Baptism and the Eucharist. The author compares the generation of the Dominican mix of text and musical motifs favourably with the earliest Sung Propers of the Roman Mass.
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