The Heart of Jesus as the Essence of Christocentric Aesthetics Joseph card. Ratzinger / Benedict XVI. A Theological and Musical Study Based on the Works of Henryk Mikołaj Górecki
Jesus Christ, the Heart of Jesus, Ratzinger, Górecki, theology, music, theology of music, aestheticsAbstract
Joseph card. Ratzinger in his theological works, devoted an important place to the aesthetics, especially the aesthetics of sacred music. He based his interpretation on the dogmatic theology directed towards Christology. He associated aesthetics with the fact that the Heart of Jesus Christ was pierced on the cross. He argued that true beauty is linked to truth and cannot exist without suffering, which is expressed by piercing the heart. Otherwise, beauty would be false as it would distract from human life. Meanwhile, Christ became a man because he felt compassion for people. This category also plays an important role in the aesthetics of sacred music. The way of beauty is the way to return to God in truth. Henryk Mikołaj Górecki is a composer whose work is often excessively associated with the figure of Mary. Meanwhile, Jesus Christ also has his place in Górecki’s musical output, also in the aspect of the Sacred Heart.
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