Monodial stylistics in the liturgical works of Galician composers of the end of the XIX – first half of the XX centuries
Galicia, composer, church-singing traditions, liturgy, chants, monodyAbstract
The article draws attention to the historical and social processes that influenced the peculiarities of the development of Ukrainian culture, in particular, formed the specifics of church-educational life and liturgical-choral practice of Galicia in the late nineteenth and first half of the twentieth centuries. The close cooperation of the spiritual and artistic elite was emphasized, which resulted in the improvement of the level of art education, intensification of the activities of numerous choral societies and composers. Based on the analysis of the liturgical works of P. Bazhansky, V. Matyuk, J. Kishakevych, S. Liudkevych, the prerogatives of the author’s composition in the use of monody style were revealed.
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