The theological dimension of selected Polish Easter songs
Pascha, Easter, Easter chants, Paschal liturgy, theology of hymnsAbstract
The theology of Polish Easter hymns focuses on the mystery of Christ’s resurrection and is directed towards the eschatological dimension of human existence. Through the victory of the Son of God over sin, death and Satan, man has an open gate to eternal life. Easter songs are rooted in the biblical account of the Lord’s resurrection and are a form of prayer expressed both during and outside the liturgy, and should therefore bring the faithful closer to God. The oldest hymns, dating back to the 14th century, were composed throughout the centuries of the existence of the Polish nation and state, and often referred to the historical and social situation of Poles, especially during the partitions. However, their content and melody have always expressed the essence of man’s faith in the resurrection of Christ and the hope of eternal life.
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