Represje gestapo wobec alumnów seminarium w Błoniu k. Tarnowa. Ze wspomnień ks. prałata Adama Kaźmierczyka - świadka początków męczeńskiej drogi bł. ks. Romana Sitki


  • Stanisław Gurba Lublin


Słowa kluczowe:

ks. Adam Kaźmierczyk, WSD Tarnów, bł. ks. Roman Sitko, II wojna światowa, prześladowania Kościoła


Father Adam Kaźmierczyk (1920-2004), as a student of the first year of the Seminary in Tarnów, was one of the people arrested on April 22, 1941 by the Nazis in Błonie near Tarnów. He was thus an eyewitness to the beginning of martyrdom of the rector, Fr. Roman Sitko – now blessed. This article has cited the memories of Fr. Adam concerning his seminary formation, which was interrupted for 100 days due to his arrest and imprisonment in Tarnów. These facts may partly be revealed in the previously published interviews of Fr. Kaźmierczyk, or known for a certain group of people from his oral tradition. Some events can be aligned with the memories of the witnesses of Fr. Roman Sitko’s arrest, available in the publications devoted to the Blessed Father. Any such information is valuable and sheds light on the issue of repression against the Church in Tarnów by the Nazis during World War II and the heroic attitude of the priests at the time. This article contains excerpts of the archival manuscript by Fr. Adam Kaźmierczyk, confirms the already known facts and is a new voice in the matter.

Biogram autora

  • Stanisław Gurba - Lublin
    Ks. Stanisław Gurba, kapłan diecezji sandomierskiej, mgr teologii, doktorant w Instytucie Historii Sztuki KUL.







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