Non-interventional model of the divine action in nature


  • Tadeusz Pabjan Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie Wydział Teologiczny Sekcja w Tarnowie



non-interventional model, divine action, laws of nature, St. Thomas Aquinas


This paper deals with the problem of God’s action in nature. It is argued that the divine action is always non-interventional, which means that God never violates the laws of nature. He creates the evolving universe, keeps it in existence and continously influences its history using these laws, and not breaking them. At first, the character of the laws of nature will be discussed – both in scientific and theological perspective. Later, the creative presence of God in the universe will be described. Special attention will be paid to St. Thomas Aquinas argument concerning the distinction between the first cause (which should be identified with God) and the secondary cause (which should be identified with all the physical causes explored by science). Finally, some advantages of the non-intervetnional model of the divine action in nature will be indicated.

Author Biography

  • Tadeusz Pabjan, Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie Wydział Teologiczny Sekcja w Tarnowie
    Ks. Tadeusz Pabjan – doktor habilitowany, kierownik katedry filozofii na Wydziale Teologicznym Sekcja w Tarnowie Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie.


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