Biblical basics of sacramental interpretation James 5, 13–16
a sacrament, anointing of the sick, elders of the Church, presbiteroi, prayer over the sick, forgiveness of sinsAbstract
The Council of Trent said: „sacred unction of the sick was instituted by Chris tour Lord, as truly and properly a sacrament of the new law, promulgated to the faithful by James the Apostle” (DBS 1716) and that the presbyters of the church whom James urges to be called in are not just senior community members but priests ordained by the bishop (DBS 1719). An author of this article answers the question: How to understand these claims in the light of contemporary biblical knowledge about James 5, 13–16. We know today that Jas was written in the middle of the first century. There was no church hierarchy yet and there was no concept of the sacrament as we understand it today. The analysis is made in two stages. The first is semantic analysis of James 5, 13–16. The second is to answer the question: Whether the rite is shown in James 5, 13–16 is understood by the author of Jas as a special rite that continued Jesus’ action.
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