Inflectional competence of language-disabled people
inflection, language inability, AACAbstract
The content of this paper constitutes an introduction to the issue known as inflectional competence, which refers to people affected by speech inability. Inflectional competence is based on the theory and practice of internal grammar, thanks to which it is treated as a brain function, a component of the subconscious mechanism of composing linguistic elements, a kind of competence which enables, above all, the reception of inflectional forms that signal syntactic functions and contribute semantic information. Such an approach makes it possible to relate the inflectional competence to people who are prelingually deprived of the gift of speech (in this context language), and hence, do not take up activities which a speaking person performs with the use of language. At the same time they do not recognise reality at the level of language-able people and do not convey its interpretation to other participants of social life. In the applicational part of the work, attention was paid to the very process of equipping a prelingually language-disabled person in inflectional competence, which takes place with the use of therapeutic systems and methods that belong to the sphere of activity known as Augmentative and Alternative Communication.
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