How to speak about God in the post-Soviet world? Analysis of Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s thought and its implications for the Catholic faith
Chrystianity, God, Bonhoeffer, postatheizm, darknessAbstract
The present times can be described as a post-atheism era in which people no longer ask questions about God. After years of militant atheism, is time to live “as if God did not exist” in the world. Protestant pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer was well aware of this, whose thought is extremely popular in Protestant circles today. He presented the thesis of life in the world of etsi Deus non datetur and the postulate of non-religious Christianity.
The article examines whether Bonhoeffer’s concepts can also be helpful to Catholic theologians? Can they become an inspiration in reflection on how to talk about God in the modern world? To try answer the above questions, it will be helpful to analyze the works of Bonhoeffer.
In conclusion, the article will show that Bonhoeffer’s thought can be a clue to how talk about God. Becouse It reminds people of important, often forgotten aspects of Christianity. It can also by of helpful for Christians to reflect on their own faith.
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