Association ‘Stanisławici’
Janów Lubelski, Association ‘Stanisławici’Abstract
Diocesan Association of the Worshippers of the Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace, Helper of Spirits in Purgatory, under the Protection of this Mother of God and St. Stanislaus, Bishop and Martyr or "Stanisławie? was founded in 1928 in the Siedlce diocese. The first members of the association reverted to a monastic order called ‘Marianie’, annulled by Russian annexing authorities. They engaged in pastoral and charitable activity; they had their own farm. They popularised the worship of St. Stanislaus of Szczepanów and other Polish saints. In their lifestyle ‘Stanisławici’ resembled monks; they wore white frocks (cassocks) tied with a blue belt, assembled a few times a day to recite their breviary, meditate and for a service. They lived together and called their house a monastery. About 60 members of the association came to stay at some time oranother in the house at Janów Podlaski within 27 years of their activity. Despite considerable efforts and expenditures, new vocations and internal reforms, the Association did not manage to expand their activity and transplant the idea of a rebirth of the former Marian order. Finally, due to a decision of the Church authorities, the Association was dissolved in 1955.
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