Time for a new theo(cosmo)logy?
Heller M., Mezei B. M., Barbour I. R., god of the gaps, physicotheology, images of the world, the Big Bang Theory, fine tuning, anthropic principle, quantum revolution, apophatic theology, negative theology, entropyAbstract
Balázs Mezei, in his essay entitled Demythologizing Christian philosophy: an outline criticizes “cosmo-theology” defined as the theological reflection strongly dependent on the pre-Copernican concept of the universe. In his opinion, the only solution to the “cosmo-theology” issue is the “demythologization” of the philosophy, freeing it from any cosmological conditions, which are only superfluous ballast.Michael Heller takes a different position. He says, that in fact theology – the rational reflection on Christian revelation – has to take into account what, in many publications, is called “the current image of the world.” No theologian or philosopher can turn his back on the very relevant issues of contemporary science such as the Big Bang theory, the eternity and infinity of the universe, fine tuning of the initial conditions of the universe, etc. This data – derived from the natural sciences – can not only inspire, but also identify new ways of understanding classical theology. That the idea of “inspiration” seems to be crucial for the approach we have called “the new theo(cosmo)logy.” With a few selected examples we will show how Heller proposes his “new theology” based on the latest cosmological data, creatively re-thinking fundamental questions about the creation of the world.
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