An Attempt to Analyze the Typology of Thomas Nagel’s Reasons for Action with Reference to the Category of Archetype
archetype, randomness, reasons for action, Thomas Nagel, Alina Motycka, Stanisław LemAbstract
The article is an attempt to look at Thomas Nagel’s proposed typology of reasons for action in the light of the theory of archetypes, carried out in order to investigate whether the category of archetype can contribute to a better understanding of particular types of reasons. The article uses the results of research on the meaning of archetypes in philosophy carried out by Alina Motycka, and takes into account the critical remarks against the legitimacy of using the archetype which were put forward by Stanisław Lem. References to the observations of the above philosophers allowed for a balanced position on this issue, which recognizes the usefulness of archetypes to a deeper understanding of human nature but at the same time emphasizes that their normative potential is limited, not only due to their randomness, but also because there is no algorithm which would allow to draw direct conclusions about norms and values on the basis of existing archetypes.
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