Agathological implications of the paradox of the “fight of transcendentals” in Hans Urs von Balthasar and Józef Tischner
transcendentals, agathology, primacy of good, Balthasar, TischnerAbstract
In this article, we consider the problem of the equivalence of transcendentals: beauty, truth and good, in the perspective of two great thinkers of the twentieth century: H. U. von Balthasar and J. Tischner. Based on the confrontation of their reflections, we introduce the concept of the paradox of the “strugle of transcendentals” and we analyze the philosophical positions they occupy in this matter. The obtained research results, concerning all transcendentals, are then concretized on the agathological ground, where the similarities and differences in views of both authors are apparent. A common ground for Balthasar and Tischner consists in the recognition of good as a fundamental transcendentale in the development of (theo)dramatic reflection. The basic difference is revealed in their perception of the relation of good to other transcendentals. Tischner is in favor of the absolute primacy of good among all transcendentals, while Balthasar admits only a relative primacy in this case. In the final section of the work we indicate some shortcomings of both approaches and we propose a soteriological-anthropological example illustrating the validity of tischnerian approach.
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