The ethical analysis of the phenomenon of honesty in the Fyodor Dostoyevsky novel The Brothers Karamazov
honesty, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Aristotle, ethics, literatureAbstract
This paper is written by using ethical analysis method to depict the significance of phenomenon of honesty by the example of The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoyevsky. For this purpose The Nicomachean Ethics and The Great Ethics of Aristotle is used to accomplish an assessment of characters and their behavior. The significance of raising problems in the novel enable interpretation of the composition not only as a novel but also as a tragedy. In the last part of the article characteristic of one of main characters, Dymitry is introduced. His features allow to classify him as a figure of the tragedy, whose actions do not result from dishonorableness or shabbiness but from hamartia. The aim of the article is to show ethical analysis method of literary works as a method of interpretation and reception of a novel by showing values hidden in the text.
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