Michał Wiszniewski’s concept of national philosophy. Part 2: Character and language of national philosophy
Michał Wiszniewski, national philosophy, prepositivism, romanticism, nineteenth-century philosophyAbstract
The term national philosophy includes the specific philosophical trends that existed in the nineteenth century, during the Romantic period. However, not all thinkers who developed the concept of national philosophy belonged to the then leading trend. Michał Wiszniewski was certainly not a romantic, which, among other things, was tried to show in the first part of the article. However, just like everyone who postulated the need to create a national philosophy, so Wiszniewski faced the need to determine what, according to him, would characterize the national philosophy i.e. he faced the need to determine its national character, attitude to philosophy in general, and the language in which would express itself. That is why the article in its second part is devoted to these issues. In addition, it is also an attempt to assess the concept of Wiszniewski, as well as to answer the question “whether?” and “how much?” it can be described as prepositivist.
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