The models of human dignity values and the issue of justice
dignity, person, human person, justice, infinity, infinitesimals, personalism, utilitarianismAbstract
In this article we attempt to analyze the relationship between different values of human dignity and the way justice is defined. We study the following possibilities: dignity has a value of 0 (or 1/ω), a finite value G or infinite (understood in two ways: as a limit and as hyperreal number K). The attribution of the value of infinite human dignity will is it the same as the adoption of the main personalistic assumptions about the dignity of the person. The reasoning is carried out using basic mathematical modelling tools. We also take into account the material value of each person’s “initial conditions,” defined in relation to a given society and time, but differentiated for individual people. We show that, in the context of the problem of justice, these “initial conditions” create an additional research area. In effect, we propose a metaethical space for dialogue between personalism and utilitarianism.
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