New Evangelization in the Church


  • Magdalena Kusior Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II



new evangelization, Good News, Christians


Evangelization was known over centuries and well know in the history. First sending off the apostles, has characteristics of the proclamation of the Good News. Several Church’s documents tried to define the process of evangelization and to give it a new meaning. The first document is the Decree ad gentes on the mission activity of the Church of the Second Vatican Council, in which we read, that Christ was sent “to reveal and to communicate the love of God to all men and nations”. The mission ad gentes is concerned about those who never heard about Christ. Post-synodal Magisterium of the Church more often indicates that every baptised person is called to proclaim the Good News. The new evangelization means proclamation of the salvation in new way, it means to go out to modern man with modern forms and means of communication. Yet the most effective is one’s personal experience.
This article shows an outline, concepts and attempts to define new evangelization in the light of the available materials, with particular attention to the Church’s documents which treat new evangelization in different perspectives. Then taken into account are the recipients of the Good News.

Author Biography

  • Magdalena Kusior, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
    Siostra Magdalena Kusior OP – mgr lic. teologii, katechetka w Zespole Szkół nr 11 w Lublinie. Absolwentka studiów podyplomowych w zakresie duchowości katolickiej na Katolickim Uniwersytecie Lubelskim i doktorantka tego wydziału, E-mail:


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