Predicting Words of God during the Transformation of Religiosity of Young Germans and Poles


  • Michał Wilkosz Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg



youth, religiosity, speech, sermon, Germany, Poland


Studies on the life conditions and religiousness of German and Polish youth indicate the progressive changes that occur in the area of the religious life among the modern generation of young Germans and Poles.
Generally they can be divided in two groups: 1) referring to both Polish and German youth; 2) treating each of the youth groups individually.
The multi aspects and diversity of the religious transformation of young Germans and Poles requires a proper response from the Catholic Church of both countries. This response should take into account suggestions of such evangelical methods that respond to the mentality and spiritual needs of the young generation. First of all it is necessary to change the approach of speech, not only taking care about merits but also new forms and contexts.

Author Biography

  • Michał Wilkosz, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
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