Spiritual Discernment in the Context of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal


  • Sławomir Płusa Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II




spiritual discernment, charisms, prophecy, discernment of spirits, charismatic renewal


Since the moment of creation God has been in active dialogue with mankind. Through sin this dialogue was made more difficult. That’s why words uttered by people in the name of the Lord need spiritual discernment. The church is based on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets. Words authentically inspired by God lead to the strengthening of the Church and to increasing peace and love. However there are also false prophecies. Spiritual discernment needs to be applied not only to the contents of the prophecies but also to the prophets themselves. What is essential is their congruity with the teaching of the Church but also their fruits in the community. In the heart of the Charismatic Renewal is hearing what the Holy Spirit wants say today, discernment of these inspirations and pass it on the people. The main responsible for their spiritual discernment should be the leaders of the community, especially the priests and the bishops.

Author Biography

  • Sławomir Płusa, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
    Ks. dr Sławomir Płusa (0000-0001-9297-124X) – prezbiter diecezji radomskiej. Studiował pedagogikę i homiletykę w KUL (1992–1996), odbył studia doktoranckie z zakresu teologii pastoralnej i homiletyki w Wuerzburgu i Tybindze w Niemczech (1996–2001); związany z Odnową w Duchu Świętym i wspólnotami ewangelizacyjnymi. W swojej diecezji pełni posługę egzorcysty. E-mail: plusa.slawomir@gmail.com.


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