The Theology of the Sacrament of Holy Orders, with Particular Emphasis on the Degree of Deaconate, based on the Changes Since 2009 in the can. 1008 and 1009 CIC.


  • Bartosz Trojanowski Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu



sacrament of the orders, universal priesthood, ministerial priesthood, diaconate


The problem of the diaconate is one of the theological issues that still require a lot of reflection. The discussion on this topic returns, although often in different, often opposite directions. The changes to the Code of Canon Law introduced by the motu proprio of Benedict XVI Omnium in mentem do not only concern the issue of diaconate. The papal intervention into canon law contributed to the rereading of the last council regarding the diaconate, but also all three degrees of the sacrament of Orders (the differences between them and the sacramental character). Another aspect is the universal priesthood and the ministerial priesthood, the relationship and the differences between them. The direction for deeper reflection by Pope Benedict XVI led us to the thesis that the diaconate, although constituting the first degree of the sacrament of Holy Orders, does not yet include it in the hierarchical priesthood, and thus the deacon still participates in the common priesthood.

Author Biography

  • Bartosz Trojanowski, Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu
    Ks. Bartosz Trojanowski – dr, absolwent Papieskiego Uniwersytetu Santa Croce w Rzymie (teologia dogmatyczna) oraz Papieskiego Uniwersytetu Gregoriańskiego w Rzymie (prawo kanoniczne).


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Theological research

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