“Via Ottoniana - Saint Otto’s Route”. The concept of a pilgrims’ way as a form of commemorating the Christianization mission of Saint Otto of Bamberg in Pomerania (1124-1128)





St. Otto of Bamberg, mission, Pomerania, Christianity, pilgrimage route


The area of Pomerania was Christianized 900 years ago as a result of the missionary activity of Saint Otto of Bamberg. Otto undertook two missionary expeditions, in 1124 and 1128. The road that Bishop Otto traveled became the inspiration for the present inhabitants of these areas to undertake research and work on setting out Saint Otto’s Route. This article aims to examine whether the itinerary designed in this way fulfils the formal requirements to be classified as a pilgrimage route. Using the analytical method, the state of historical research is first presented, based on which it has become possible to reconstruct the route taken by Saint Otto in Pomerania in the 12th century. It then presents the criteria that, in the light of Church documents must be met to recognize the route marked as a pilgrim itinerary. The following part of the study shows places where the memory of the Apostle of Pomerania is cultivated today, and which can be stages of the pilgrimage itinerary. In the light of the analyses carried out, it was shown that the “Saint Otto’s Route” can be classified as a pilgrimage route, becoming part of pastoral activities that will bring closer the present inhabitants of these areas to the person of the Apostle of Pomerania and his heritage, inspiring them to deepen their Christian identity.


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