Is religion a cure? Julia Kristeva’s look at the value of the Christian religion




Christian religion, Julia Kristeva, postmodernism, psychoanalysis, contemporary culture


Among the humanists representing the broadly understood postmodern trend, one can often see an attitude of appreciation towards the phenomenon of religion. Julia Kristeva, Franco-Bulgarian psychoanalyst, philosopher and literary scholar, is one of the post-rational authors with a positive attitude towards religion. Her undisguised respect for the content of the Christian religion sometimes arouses admiration even among believers. There arises even a mutual expectation that under the influence of her works there may appear a space to build a new world free of all barriers and misunderstandings or even a hope for the renewal of Christianity. Unfortunately, after a deeper criticism of the thought of the French humanist, it is difficult to share similar expectations. Kristeva’s idealistic and reductionist philosophy is unable to fully convey the Christian message, which means that dialogue in a broader dimension becomes questionable. The article discusses the basis of her psychoanalytic thought and analyzes some terms taken from Christian religion and interpreted by her. The research shows that Kristeva does not go beyond the scheme of psychoanalysis, which results in the fact that the concepts she uses only seemingly correspond to Christian terms. For Kristeva religion is nothing more than a form of medicine in certain situations, which undoubtedly depreciates the Christian message.


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